Chesterton 1622
Packing Control E Low for Block Valves
Chesterton 1622 Low E Packing is designed to minimize valve emissions
and exceed current emissions requirements for refineries, petrochemicals,
and chemical industry. 1622 received National Pollution
MVP2 and Vaaler Award Prevention Roundtable for emissions and pollution
reduction technology.
Guaranteed * to cover less than 100 ppm for 5 years per EPA 21 method.
Technical data
Inconel® materials are reinforced, flexible graphite packaging specifically
inhibiting agent
Light and heavy hydrocarbon applications, VOC, VHAP, steam, and most of them
non-oxidizing chemicals
Pressure limit of 345 bar g (5000 psig)
Maximum temperature limit of 650 ° C (1200 ° F), oxidizing atmosphere 450 ° C (850 ° F)
Chemical resistance pH 0 - 14 except in strong oxidizers